Where is the sun, and how can I get it back?

Okay I know I've grown up in upstate New York where I should be aware that we get really shitty winters, and I should be able to deal with that by now. However, in high school I had to drive to and from school (and only for one year) in the winter, which was about 10 minutes. In college I had to drive twice a week to Rochester from Geneseo senior year, and that is the ONLY time I used my car in the winter. (well except driving to Pat's which was down the street) I don't know if it's colder and snowier than normal this year, or if I'm just being a bigger baby because I have to use my car more often, but I really really do not like winter. Maybe I have SAD. I should start light therapy and see if that helps any. No, I don't really think it goes that far, I just think I like being able to wear shorts and tank tops, I love to swim, to eat ice cream, to take a walk around the block. I would rather have it be 100 degrees right now than 0.

I'm mostly just bitching aimlessly, I'm alone in my house this afternoon and it's snowing like crazy outside and it's annoying me, so I thought I'd bitch. Last night I was in a crappy mood too. A bunch of Adam's friends came over and played beer pong, flip cup, and some weird Turtle Master game that Ben started. I was drunk and having fun for a little while, but then I just kinda wanted to go to sleep, so I got tired and non-talkative. Well I didn't want to shut myself in my room b/c I thought that'd be kinda rude, so I took my computer out in the living room so I could still semi-interact with people but kinda be by myself. It was mostly working, except that a drunken Angela and Lindsey wouldn't stop asking me if I was alright. I curtly replied that I was fine every time, knowing that I probably was acting just like Joe does when he gets in a bad mood and I keep pestering him about it, but I didn't feel like talking. So after about the 4th time of Angela and Lindsey trying to talk to me, and because my computer started freaking out and not working, I just decided to go to bed. So I was asleep by 2 am, didn't wake up this morning til noon. I guess I really needed the sleep.

Joe called me last night. It was really nice, we got to talk for awhile. For anyone who doesn't know, Joe is my best friend who NEVER calls me just to talk. So I was pretty excited that he wanted to call. We had a good conversation and it made me miss hanging out with him, though I just saw him a week and a half ago. I also really miss Angie. I hardly EVER get to talk to her since she's a busy Washington D.C. woman who basically is a senator's personal secretary. I know it will never change our friendship status if we continue to not talk for a long time, and I know I'll see her hopefully about twice a year, so I'm not worried, but I still miss her.

Okay enough randomness for now, time to get ready for the day.


Joseph said…
i miss you too


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