
Showing posts from September, 2022

This is the End

 Happy 20th Anniversary to this blog!!   I've dragged this thing along for 20 years. I can't believe it. You can clearly tell which years I had more free time. Blogging once a year is almost worthless at this point, so I'm following the rules of the new golden age of TV and shutting this baby down while it's still (sorta) good. This. Is. It.  For my final act, I will relay some wisdom I have learned in the last 20 years, in no particular order: ~ You can't rely on other people to define who you are. You should know the things you like and don't like, the things you are good at and you aren't good at. You will be a stronger person if you use those things to define who you are, and not other people.  ~ It's ok to be less excited about things as you get older. That's why you have kids and/or pets. So they can get excited about things for you.  ~ Communication is VERY important, especially for people who live together. I'm not the best communicator,