
Showing posts from 2020

The Apocalypse Has Arrived

For a number of years now, I've had a feeling that I would be living in a time when the world would change drastically. I didn't know how; maybe a nuclear disaster, maybe an magnetic field shift, maybe even extreme climate change activity. But I didn't actually stop to consider that maybe it would be a pandemic. Well, we are now in the midst of a global pandemic. A coronavirus called Covid-19, to be exact. It's been officially in the US since March, but was probably here much earlier. It started in China, but is now everywhere in the world (except New Zealand, another reason that country has it good). Back in March, they shut down poor Simon's school, and most of the schools around the country as well. Most businesses closed, and people were going crazy for toilet paper (?). I felt so bad for Simon. He had a lot of friends, he was finally in a groove with his routine for the day, and then it all just ended so abruptly that he didn't really get a chance to say go