
Showing posts from October, 2019

Here Comes the Sun

 And I say  it's all right... This post was meant to be written in the summer, when the title would still be appropriate two different ways, but this is how blog writing always goes with me. Anyway...we have a new(ish) baby!! Her name is Inara Mae, and she is named after the Firefly/Serenity character Inara Sera. I still remember the night that Mike and I agreed on that name for a girl baby; it was the week after we got engaged. We were out at a bar with some of his Tastings coworkers, and we were talking about baby names. We couldn't decide on a boy quite yet (Joshua got brought up at one point, he liked Zach) but we both heartily agreed that our girl would be named Inara. Now that we have her, I know just how many people never watched Firefly, because a lot of people have never heard of the name. But most people love it, and it did come from a real name. Inara is Arabic for "ray of light", and Inara was also an ancient Hittite goddess of the wild. Our Inara