
Showing posts from December, 2018

Getting Back on Track

I've decided that I don't want to write two travel blog entries in a row, so you will have to wait a bit longer for my tales of beautiful Bermuda. Instead, since I feel compelled to write a post in the last days of every year, I will write about more of my medical journey to motherhood. Yes, I know I'm already a mother, but that had a nice ring to it. This will be my one (and hopefully only) IVF post. And away we go... May-August 2017 Directly following the April 2017 miscarriage, I was determined that I would get pregnant within a few months without medical intervention. I had this misguided notion that the miscarriage reset my body and now everything would work really smoothly, and BAM, instant pregnancy. This did not happen, and I became more and more despondent. September 2017 I finally gave in and called Strong Fertility to set up an appointment for myself. Their first new patient appointment wasn't until November. Boo. November 2017 I finally went to se