
Showing posts from July, 2017

A Setback in the Life Plan

 Disclaimer: This post is about me attempting to handle pretty serious emotions, which I don't do well (ask my husband). If the story is too much for you, go read my hilarious story about trying to kill a spider in my shower.  ____________________________ I guess if you don't know me and you just read this extremely sporadic blog, you think my life is pretty great. Which it is, for the most part. Plus I'm a positive person. I really can't help but to look on the bright side of a situation. This attitude has kept my stress level down for many years, although at times I do bury negative feelings that I don't like experiencing. I know I do it because if I think about my grandparents who have passed, or holidays I celebrated with both of my parents together when I was young, I'll just instantly tear up. So I just don't think about those things. Along with pushing away negativity, I also like to control my life as best I can. Most people do it, just in diffe