
Showing posts from December, 2016

Playing Catch Up

Well you can blame Mike's book and my brother's book for me not writing more this year. I edited both of them in the last 6 months of the year. Apparently the red light that goes off in my head when I see bad grammar doesn't happen to everyone, and that means I'm a decent editor. My brother's book is a mostly-autobiographical account of his time living in Hawaii. It's primarily about living impulsively with little means in a totally new environment, and the beauty of nature. I thought it was great, but he IS my brother. You can find the book here if you are interested: Vagrants In Paradise So this year pretty much sucked for America. It was a good year for me, personally, until November 9th when I suddenly became very depressed about the future of humanity. I've been taking Trump's election one day at a time, and looking for silver linings where I can find them. They are few and far between, but I do look forward to 2020. Also, celebrities have bee