
Showing posts from 2016

Playing Catch Up

Well you can blame Mike's book and my brother's book for me not writing more this year. I edited both of them in the last 6 months of the year. Apparently the red light that goes off in my head when I see bad grammar doesn't happen to everyone, and that means I'm a decent editor. My brother's book is a mostly-autobiographical account of his time living in Hawaii. It's primarily about living impulsively with little means in a totally new environment, and the beauty of nature. I thought it was great, but he IS my brother. You can find the book here if you are interested: Vagrants In Paradise So this year pretty much sucked for America. It was a good year for me, personally, until November 9th when I suddenly became very depressed about the future of humanity. I've been taking Trump's election one day at a time, and looking for silver linings where I can find them. They are few and far between, but I do look forward to 2020. Also, celebrities have bee

A Musing in Three Parts

Well hello there. I have a small window of free time, so I thought I'd post. What I REALLY want to post about is my annoyance with modern day feminism, but since my last post was about racism, I'll quit it with the social issues. Maybe I'll just get so annoyed that I'll actually post twice in a short span of time (crazy!). I hastily scribbled down a few things that were on my mind a few months ago, so I thought I'd talk about those things if only so I can finally throw the little piece of paper away. With a 2 year old, to throw anything away is great. Here are my random topics: Hypocrites.   Everyone has their own moral compass. It's odd when peoples' worst qualities are seen differently by different outsiders, but I guess that's also a good thing, to keep flawed people who are otherwise decent from being shunned. I'm not talking about people that kill or rape, or something equally as horrendous. Some things are just obvious. But little vices