
Showing posts from December, 2015

Can We End Racism Already?

I always want to write at the end of the year, mostly because I start to feel a sense of guilt from not writing more throughout the year, but also because I start getting nostalgic and reflective. So here's another random post! (Simon isn't doing anything crazy at the moment anyway, besides learning to speak.) America has been getting a bit scary as of late. Extreme Right Wingers are trying to take away our rights and turn us into a backwards thinking nation. Religion has a lot to do with it, and fear. Terrorists from ISIS recently bombed the hell out of Paris, and America responded by refusing to take in Syrian refugees. Pretty ridiculous. And cops are being gun nuts and shooting (mostly) black people left and right, which is also ridiculous, but sadly taken as given at this point. So with all the recent race talk, it made me think of ways to get people to be NOT racist. And I don't mean stereotypical. Because all humans think in stereotypes, and that's ok. When I me