
Showing posts from September, 2013

On Becoming a Real Grownup

I guess I have to say that Mike and I are grownups now. No matter that we're 32 and 31 (respectively). We now have a house and a soon-to-be-born son to our names. Crazy!!   Part 1: The House It started last fall, when we felt we were finally ready to look into buying a home. Mike required a house in the Fairport area, so we could pay less for electric, which was fine with me. I've always liked the east side of Rochester. We both wanted a two story home with a garage, and we had some other likes/dislikes in a house. There were quite a few in our price range, but it seemed like every time we found an inside of a house that we loved, the outside was not great, or vice versa. Some houses looked great on the inside, but had no character to them. Luckily, besides Mike's random love of Stucco and houses with lines on the outside (not sure what those are called), we both have almost the same taste in homes. So we had been looking for around 1.5 months, not too long, when we a