
Showing posts from March, 2012

The Sound of Music

This will be a two part blog entry. If you are a friend who is reading, feel free to skip to the second part. I know I just did a blog about the emotional impact of actors. Now I'm starting to think that my love of emotionality (or authenticity, which may be a better term) extends to music. I am very picky about the music I like. But I think I have it narrowed down to three things that will make or break a song for me. 1: Beat, melody, or rhythm. (An aside: the word rhythm is a bitch to spell. I just learned how to spell it about 3 months ago, but I can really only spell it with a certain learned keystroke, as if I was playing piano. Normally I'm an amazing speller. I don't ever use spell check.) Ok so, getting back to the topic. I will like most songs that are performed in a minor key. I've always hated the major key, but maybe that goes hand in hand with my dark and twisted personality. I'm a sucker for string instruments, which sound wonderful in a minor key.