
Showing posts from November, 2011

Spader, Subtlety, and Soul

I watched Sex, Lies, and Videotape again tonight for the first time in probably 10 years. And you must know by now how much I am completely obsessed with James Spader. (I just did a quick search of his name in my blog and found out that I've posted about him 6 times previously.) It's really a great movie. The entire movie is subtle, but emotional, and subtlety is something I love in a film.  It tells me that the movie treats its audience like emotionally intelligent people. I have a lot of different favorite movies, but they are all in different genres. Subtlety, to me, is most powerful in romantic films.  As I've said before here (3 times, to be exact), my two favorite romantic movies of all time are While You Were Sleeping , and Love Actually . And it's because the former and sections of the latter treat love as a subtle thing. There's no wailing and carrying on, like in Gone with the Wind , a movie that I can't for the life of me understand why p