
Showing posts from June, 2011

Gypsies No More

We have moved back to Rochester.  For good! I know, it's a big sentence. I've been more or less a gypsy all my life.  Those would be my mother's words, but I find it to be true.  My youngest brother is the same way.  Actually, he is even more of a gypsy, because he lived homeless in Hawaii for 5 months.  I've realized over the past couple of years or so that Mike and I really need to settle in a city and not move from there ever again.  It works for some people to relocate for their entire lives, but I get too attached to people.  When we first moved to NYC, I figured I would never make any lifelong friends, and I prepared myself to miss my Rochester friends and just "deal" with people in Brooklyn.  I'm not sure why I felt that way, maybe because I'd never lived in NYC and thought everyone was mean and/or selfish.  However, I found that, over time, I grew to love a select number of people.  There were a lot of people who defied logic in horrible wa