
Showing posts from April, 2011

Viva Italia

On the heels of The Wedding Blog, and only 9 months after the actual trip, comes...The Honeymoon Blog!  Many people choose to go to a beach for their Honeymoon and just relax.  That sounded very nice, but it's been my dream since I was young to visit the land of (half of) my ancestors, and Mike is 100% Italiano, so he was down for a trip through Italy. We both had certain areas we wanted to visit, most of them being in the north.  So we flew into Milan, and took trains to Como, Venice, Florence, and Rome. I'll break this down like the last entry, due to issues of longness. (Also, FYI, we literally ate gelato every single day of our trip.) Lake Como -We are extremely tired from our layover in (extremely cold) Dublin, so after traveling from the Milan airport to the Milan train station, we wander around in our sleep deprived state, trying to figure out which train would take us to Como.  Since Como isn't a huge city, it isn't clearly stated on any of the tickets.  We