
Showing posts from March, 2010

A Digestive Rant

This story begins with me being diagnosed with Acid Reflux or GERD, both of which sound disgusting.  I don't even know if "diagnosed" is the right term, since this thing isn't life threatening, but I believe it was causing me to have heart palpitations, which can be serious.  So yeah, I have a stupid f*ing acid reflux problem.  It can be brought on by stress or bad eating habits, of which I have a bit of both from the wedding and working overnights, respectively.   Okay let me go a bit further back.  My stomach started hurting on a regular basis starting about 9 months ago.  Not much that I did would help it, and then after awhile it would just go away on its own.  I also started waking in the middle of the night, staying awake for about 2 hours, then going back to sleep.  A couple months before my diagnosis, I had started using 2 pillows to sleep on, without really knowing why, except that I was more comfortable that way. So after much pushing from Mike and my mo