
Showing posts from April, 2008

Everybody's Changing and I Don't Feel the Same

Sorry folks, my life is going to be a giant rollercoaster until July. After that, things should be calmed down enough for me to write more frequently. I haven't announced yet that I have a new job! Mike and I went down to NYC the first week of April. I had three interviews, and at my first interview (New York Methodist) they offered me a job! That confused me a bit, so I decided to wait a few days until after my other interviews to see if I actually wanted to take the NYM offer. Well to make a long story short, NYM turned out to be the best place for me to take a job. It's in the exact neighborhood where we want to live in Brooklyn, I only have to work 3 days a week (although I have to work 7pm-7am), and I get a ton of awesome benefits. Plus I'm making NYC standard money, which means a hell of a lot more than I make at my current job. So as of the first week of June, I will be working and living in Brooklyn, NY. Scary! The only thing left to do is find an apartment

A Summation of the State of Arizona

From March 20th-25th I traveled all around the great southwestern state of Arizona. The weather fluctuated from 65 to 80 degrees, compared to 30 in Rochester, and I got to see lots and lots of cacti, never mind the GRAND CANYON! One of my best friends from college, Sara, moved to Tucson a couple years ago and wanted visitors. Angela and I decided to help her out with that, and it was a great time. The lowlight was my constant runny nose (I had to walk around the Grand Canyon with a roll of toilet paper in my pocket), but there were many highlights, including my wonderful new Mexican friends Adrien and Saoul (Sa-OOL) who declared their undying love for me whilst following me around Nogales. It was quite the adventure. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves: This was my view on the drive from Phoenix to The Grand Canyon Grand Canyon, baby: Silly Sara, always falling off cliffs.... Angela is very homicidal This is my "Where's Waldo" picture Sooo it seems as if

It's All About The Music

First of all, let me say a happy birthday (for another 40 min) to my now fiance Mike, who turned 27 today, and while I'm at it, a happy birthday for myself, who turned 26 yesterday. Secondly, I've been trying very hard to catch up on all the old movies that I stupidly dVRed all at once. I've watched some that I can't even believe made it to my "1001 movies you should watch before you die" book ( Ninotchka ?? Seriously? Greta Garbo was like a more boring Temperance Brennan, and Bela Lugosi was seriously underused.) and I've watched some that I very much enjoyed. A couple I've seen lately that are both highly recommended are The Red Shoes and The Man Who Knew Too Much (1955 version). The Red Shoes is a British ballet movie. *Yawn* you say, and I thought the same thing. But Anton Walbrook's performance was spectacularly reptilian, and Moira Shearer did a fantastic job in her first role. It's basically about work vs personal life and havin